My name is Barton, but most people know me as “Bud”. In 1971, I graduated from Penn Highlands High School, Lewistown Campus. Upon graduation, I then served 4 years in the US Navy. Afterwards, I attended Williamsport Area Community College for 2 years, where I received an Associates degree in Marketing and Advertising. I have been retired since 2015, after working in various sales and marketing positions over the years. My wife, Vicki, was a bank branch manager for many years, and she has been retired since 2018.
I met my wife, Vicki, in my senior year of high school and we were married in July 1973. We have 2 grown daughters, Tiffany (married to Aaron) and Natalie (married to Jonathan). We have been blessed with 5 wonderful grandsons, Liam, Tyron, Trae, Malachi and Silas.
We both came to know the Lord on Valentine’s Day in 1983, through a couple we were friends with inviting us to church. This was followed up with a home visit from the pastor and deacon of the church we were attending at the time.
We have been attending Calvary Bible Church since 1987. My wife and I have served in many capacities over the years. Currently, Vicki and I lead the Food Box Ministry. We also work together as part-time custodians. I teach an adult Sunday School class and lead Small Group. Vicki is part of the Ladies Bible Study and helps lead the Ladies Fit to Trim class.
We count it an honor and a privilege to serve our Lord and Savior in any capacity that He might use us.

Scott has attended Calvary Bible Church all 54 years of his life. His parents were founding members of the church and his mother led him to the Lord when he was five years old.
Scott met Amy in Youth Group at Calvary and they were married in 1989. They have four children, Annie, Samuel, Mollie and Sadie.
They have been involved in several ministries over the years including: nursery workers, children's church workers, youth leaders, ABF leaders, Bible study leaders, the Director of Building and Maintenance and custodians for a short time.
Amy is a homemaker and Scott has been employed by Penelec as a lineman since 1993.

Chris is a graduate of Lewistown Area High School class of 1991. He has worked at Lerch RV as a service tech for 28 years. Leslie is a graduate of Lewistown Area High School class of 1999. She has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and works at University Orthopedics in State College. Leslie has attended CBC all her life and had accepted Christ as a young child. Chris accepted Christ as his Savior at age 9 at Strodes Mills Baptist Church. He recommitted his life to Christ at a “Heaven Gates Hells Flames” production at CBC in 1999. They both became members of CBC and were married in 2001. They have two children, Elizabeth age 18 is currently enrolled at Grove City College and Ethan age 13 is a 7th grade student at BMS. Their past and present ministries at CBC include: Christian Service Brigades, Explorer Girls, Children’s ministry, youth ministry, life group leaders, ABF leaders, food box ministry deliveries, safety team and currently Elder Board.

Tim has been a member of Calvary Bible Church since 2006. Tim met his wife, Cindy Ray in high school and they have been married since 1996. They have two daughters, Sara and Olivia. Tim has been involved in several of CBC's ministries including Open Hands Ministry, the Safety Team and the Counseling Team. He is currently leading a small group. Tim also works behind the scenes alongside his wife in Children's Ministries, especially with outreach events.

Phil and Arlene have been serving the Lord together at Calvary Bible since 1996. The are involved mostly with the teaching ministries. Phil has served as a deacon and now is serving as an elder.

HI I am Kelley Yetter. I’m a Lewistown High School graduate of 1978 and a Grove City College graduate of 1982. I was saved in 1980, mainly through my mother’s prayers and conversation. I met Debbie while I was in college, and we got married in June of 1982. We have 3 children, Christopher, Abi and Mandi who now have families - Christopher, Kate, Winston, Landon and Tessa; Abi, Jared, Ajax and Brecken; and Mandi, Luis and Louie. We are so blessed by the Lord with our family. We have ministered in Calvary Bible Church from 2003 to present. I am the current teacher of the Philippians class, and I play in the Worship Team, time permitting. Hebrews 10:38