Ethan and Amanda


Senior Pastor

Ethan and his wife, Amanda, have been married for 17 years.  They have four children: Simon (16), Eva (16), Eleanor (12), Audrey (10).  Ethan grew up in Lewistown and attended CBC throughout his youth.  He holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies & Pastoral Ministry and an M.A. in Theology.  Ethan has been in ministry for over 18 years and has been in pastoral ministry for the last 10 years.  He has served as Senior Pastor in Wisconsin, as an Assistant Pastor in Florida, and now as Senior Pastor of CBC.  Ethan is passionate about sharing God’s Word in a relevant and relatable way.  He enjoys the outdoors and is an avid hunter and fisherman.  Amanda enjoys serving alongside Ethan in ministry.  She has a heart for women’s and children’s ministries and enjoys opportunities to do outreach in the community.  Amanda serves as the Food Service Director of a Christian School in Belleville, PA, while raising their four children.  She loves to bake, garden and host gatherings.  As a family, Ethan and Amanda’s desire is to engage with the people around them, live Christ in front of them, and show that there is joy in serving Jesus.



Assistant Pastor

Bob and Sherrie Marsh have been members of Calvary Bible Church since July 2005. They were high school sweethearts and have been married since 1986. They have two adult children, 4 grandchildren and 1 due in January. 

Bob served 20 years in the Navy and retired in 2004. He served our community by working at the Juniata Valley YMCA for over 10 years and then for the Dan Pierce Outdoor Shop until September 2017.

Both Bob and Sherrie have the spiritual gift of service. They enjoy serving in various ministries. Together they have enjoyed serving in the Children’s Ministry Program, including Bible Explosion, AWANA and Vacation Bible School. They also enjoy helping with the Food Box Ministry and the Helping Hands Ministry. Sherrie also helps with the check-in computer program that promotes the safety of our children. Bob also serves as an Elder, Life Group Leader and as the Director of Adult Ministries. As a couple, they enjoy boating and being outdoors. They both love the Lord and desire to serve Him and bring glory to Him in all they do.

Young February 2024


Youth Pastor

With me in this picture is my wife Kendra and our one-and-a-half-year-old son, Marshall.  Kendra and I are both 29 years old.  I took over as the Youth Pastor here in August of 2020.  We know the Lord has clearly opened doors and our eyes for us to minister to the next generation and help them to grow in their love and service to Jesus Christ.  Our family is so blessed to have such a tremendous Youth Group and church family to minister to.  God is continuing to grow our Youth Group and it's so humbling to have a small part in it all!!

Chris Ruble and Family


Worship Director

Myself and my wife Jade and daughter Lennin have been attending Calvary regularly for the past year and a half.  Jade and I have been married for 13 years and our daughter Lennin is 10 years old.  I started the position of Worship Director in April of 2024.  It has been an incredible blessing to be a part of Calvary Bible's Worship Team and to be a part of guiding and growing our music and sound in the church.  God has been at work in our church and it has been amazing to see and feel.  We are always looking for participants that have a gift for music and/or sound and tech.  If you feel God is calling you in that direction please reach out to us. 



Director of Children's Ministries

My family and I started attending Calvary Bible Church in 2007, and I joined the staff in April of 2012 as the Director of Children’s Ministries.  I love being able to serve the Lord through the children and families at CBC.  I also enjoy the variety and flexibility of my job, this allows me a new adventure every day and also the time I need to care for my family.

I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Tim, since 1996.  We live in Ferguson Valley with our two daughters, Sara and Olivia.  I spend most of my free time with my family.  I also enjoy reading, shopping, family walks, and experiencing new places and things with my family.  When I am home alone, I am kept company by my very spoiled Yorkie, Coco.

My favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?

Pam 2024


Children's Ministries Assistant

I started attending Calvary Bible Church in 2016. I teach Sunday School in the 2 & 3 year old classroom.  I am also the Awana Sparkie Secretary.  I am excited to be with these kids in church.  They all bring so much joy to my heart.  I became a member of Calvary Bible Church in January 2024 and began my position as the Children's Ministries Assistant.  My job is to work with Cindy to plan and organize all the fun things we do for the kids at church and in the community.  I am so excited to be a part of the Calvary Bible Church team!  My husband, Rick and I have been married since 1979. I am blessed to have a daughter, Lyndsey and 2 grandchildren, Khloe and Kaleb that I love spending time with.

Bob and Sherrie


Church Secretary

I am incredibly grateful to be able to do what I love, where I love to serve and to serve alongside the people that I love. 

My husband Bob and I have been members of Calvary Bible Church since 2005. I am thankful to be a part of the body of Christ who loves the Lord and is committed to serve Him with the gifts they have been given. 

Bob served in the US Navy for 20 years and I was blessed to stay home with our children and support him while he was deployed to sea and traveled for his job. I worked in the medical field for over 25 years, and before I became the Church Secretary, I worked at Geisinger Lewistown Hospital for 16 years. 

We are blessed and thankful for our son Jonathan, his fiancé Aerial, our granddaughters Kynsleigh & Kymber and our daughter, Jessica, her husband Isaiah and our grandchildren Gunner, Aubree, & Henry. They are my great joy. 

A favorite verse of mine is:
“What does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Deuteronomy 10:12

Kelley & Deb 2021 cropped



My husband, Kelley, and I have been members of Calvary Bible Church since 2001. We are grateful to be a part of this wonderful fellowship of people and to serve alongside like-minded believers in Christ. I came to know Christ as my personal Savior in 1979, and I have had a hunger to grow in Christ ever since.

We have three grown children. Christopher is married to Kate, and they have Winston, Landon and Tessa. Christopher and Kate live in Lewistown. Abi is married to Jared. Their boys are Ajax and Brecken. They are currently living in Germany. Jared is in Special Forces in the Army. Mandi is married to Luis, and they have Louie. They live in Wyomissing, PA. We are truly blessed by our children and grandchildren.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Psalm 90. “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.”



Director of Kid Kamp/Preschool

As the the director of the Calvary Bible Kid Kamp and Preschool. I have been serving in these ministries since 1989. It is my responsibility to have a vision of what is possible for the future. My goal is to give these children a positive outlook on life through increasing levels of learning through the beginning stages. I am responsible to provide a quality child care and preschool with a safe and nurturing environment. Our future is with today’s children as we invest values based on a biblical foundation. 

My husband Ralph and I have been married since 1980. The Lord has blessed us with two grown children along with our Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law and five grandchildren. At my leisure I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends.

“Help my children develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:10)